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HomeHome Improvement10 Tips For Safety in the Kitchen

10 Tips For Safety in the Kitchen

If you watched some of the Final Destination movies, you may have a slightly exaggerated view of kitchen accidents. In reality, a lot of things can go wrong because of simple mistakes and oversights. Kitchens are a place where we spend a lot of our time, preparing healthy meals for our loved ones and keeping us safe should be a no-brainer. Some of the key things you need to look out for to achieve this are:

1. Kids should be at a safe distance

Our little bundles of joy can run around, poke everywhere and anything, stick their fingers wherever they like, and perform other hair curling activities that are very dangerous. You, as well, can trip over them, knock something over, spilling searing hot liquid, etc. you get the picture. They should wait a bit outside or watching cartoons while the meal is ready.

2. Animals shouldn’t be in the kitchen

Speaking of bundles of joy your pets can get in the way, or in your hair and your stove as easy as a child and, no one wants a bowl of cat hair for dessert. Sometimes it’s hard to say no to them, but here it’s for the best.

3. Your knives should be in top condition

Believe it or not, it’s the dull knives that account for most of the kitchen-related accidents. Keeping your knives nice and sharp makes your cooking a lot smoother and safer. Also, pick any wooden or similar knife stalls so that they are always in a safe space. Or always put them in a drawer. Knives falling by being accidentally knocked can easily wound you. Make a mental note, to always keep them in a safe space.

4. Keep the floor clean and dry

Your kitchen floor has had its fair share of food and drinks over the years. A lot of your culinary delights have had its and bits fallen on it. Sometimes when you chop up and do the prep work, bits fall dawn. Sometimes during the cooking, itself. It’s all ok, it happens to all of us. But, if you drop or spill something, take a second to wipe it off. If you are carrying a full pot of hot stuff or a knife and you slip by accident on a simple wet spot, it’s going to take much longer to recover from that. A second saved in cleaning up saves a lot more down the road.

5. Use adequate mats

Most of us are spending a lot of time in the kitchen, and let’s be honest, it can take its toll. Some dishes require a lot of time, from preparation to the finishing touches. Even the simplest of meals can be difficult if you are exhausted from a long day. Cheap, anti fatigue mats that can fit in any kitchen are here to help out. They provide stability and relaxation for your feet, with the added benefit of helping you out during those long waiting times. Mats, in general, can help with those wet spots as they absorb them and keep you safe. Just clean them regularly and, you are in the green.

6. Wash your hands in-between phases

Touching on the subject of being clean, you should regularly wash your hands during cooking. While we think of kitchen accidents like cuts, burns, and similar physical injuries, we can all agree that diarrhea is not a pleasant thing to have. And other food-related digestive problems can occur from improperly handling food. If you’re done with peeling a potato, for example, wash it and your hands before proceeding. Baking especially has many phases where you move from dough to sweets etc. In this situation, it’s important to wash your hands in between phases.

7. Don’t leave food out in the open

One more thing to touch upon here is the food itself. From finished meals to leftovers, it’s better not to leave them just out in the open. Food can easily spoil in the heat or overnight if you forget to store it away safely in your fridge. As soon as it cools down a bit, put it inside your fridge, and your set for the next day.

8. Wear adequate clothing

Saggy clothes can get in the way of swiftly navigating the kitchen during cooking. Loose slaves can soak or dip into sauces. Bracelets can pull handles from pans filled with scorching oils. Loose hair can dip in just about anything and, hair is not on anyone’s spice list. Tied hair and tighter clothes make it a lot easier to prepare the meals you love.

9. Check the smoke alarm

You can never be too sure and, your smoke alarm can potentially save your life. Or a large amount of money. A simple battery check or getting a new one every five years or so can save you from all the headaches. An added safety bonus here is if you include a fire extinguisher in your kitchen. While smoke alarms may fail, the fire extinguisher is almost full-proof. And it can buy valuable time until the fire brigade arrives.

10. Do an Owen inspection

Many small things can accumulate inside the Owen over time. Its and bits here and there, crumbs and some food parts. They get scorched but, this charcoaled biomass can pose a fire hazard just waiting to happen. Also, you should clean your Owen at least once every two months from all the build-up grease, oil, and other cooking evaporations that can add up. A clean Owen is a happy and safe one.

Kitchens are a place where we get to create wonders for our senses. Great, delicious, and scrumptious food that melts in our mouths and brings happiness and joy. Your family often can wait to see what is the next culinary delight will come out. Enjoying ourselves in cooking delights is everyone’s goal, one we all strive for. And keeping our kitchens safe and clean is one of the means of achieving it. A little bit of foresight goes a long way.

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