Tuesday, February 4, 2025
HomeAutomotiveCar curtains

Car curtains

Trustworthy obscuring of vehicles and “low maintenance camper” 

There are vehicles out and about today, that actually have metal inside framing: Volkswagen vans obviously, yet in addition Caddy, Kangoo, Partner, and so forth Families, particularly, may be irritated by the reality, that these vehicles don’t accompany standard sun conceals and that frill are frequently costly and unreasonable. Plus, these items regularly don’t make it dim enough for resting in the vehicle short-term, a choice particularly well known with “low maintenance campers”. Hand-sewn vehicle drapes with magnets in the crease can get the job done. The benefits are clear: 

  • Small neodymium magnets are not really apparent. 
  • The magnets are adequately solid, however not so solid as to harm the texture when you need to take it off. 
  • The vehicle window ornament can be pulled tight so definitely no light enters the inside of the vehicle. 
  • The vehicle drape can be immediately appended and eliminated. 
  • The vehicle blind additionally works when windows are open. 

Contingent upon the time spending plan and ability level, various styles are conceivable. We might want to show you some of them here. 

For all forms, the accompanying applies: 

  • The number of magnets required, depends, in addition to other things, on the configuration and material of the drapery just as the distance among magnets and surface. 
  • The polarized blinds should be taken out and put away securely before the vehicle begins moving once more! 

Young asian man wearing scott shirt relaxing with laptop on the bed in camper van Premium Photo

Sew magnets into drapery crease 

Stefan from Ulm sewed some Q-20-04-02-N block magnets into the drapery creases as far as it matters for him “time camper.” 

The square magnets should be secured in the crease with a couple of lines so they don’t meander, or it is hard to return them to the ideal spots. The dainty square magnets needn’t bother with much space and stay under the radar in the window ornament. 

Presently, Stefan can rest around evening time in his obscured transport. During the day, he can rapidly remove the window ornaments and go through the vehicle as a pick truck once more. 

Master tip: Instead of square magnets, Stefan might have additionally sewn sew-in magnets straightforwardly on the texture or spot rubberized plates on the texture without sewing the magnets in. 

Embellishing shade pole with pot magnets 

Another vehicle blind undertaking by Johanna S. from Zurich: 

On the off chance that you need to hang up drape bars in a camper without harming the inside framing with boring, super magnets are a straightforward arrangement. Benefits are secure mounting and demounting without buildup or scratches, given that there is an iron sheet framing in the upper window territory. 

Material per window 

  • Curtain made of light material (white for screen, dark for dark out) 
  • Bamboo rail 
  • 3 pot magnets with inside string 
  • 3 elastic covers (Alternative: 3 rubberised pot magnets) 
  • 3 screws of fitting size with M4 string 
  • 4-8 sew-in magnets (contingent upon the shade size) 

The bamboo rail can be effectively bored. The drill point relies upon the point of the inside framing. Utilize fitting screws (for example M4 like in the guide) to join pot magnets with an inward string to the rail. The correct elastic covers shield the paint from scratches and keep magnets from sliding down. 

Then again, you could utilize three rubberizsed pot magnets in the first place, which join the two positive highlights. 

In the center and at the lower part of the drapes magnets are sewed in to fix the texture on the sides and the crease. 

Another mounting form was put together by Alexander S., who required vehicle shades for his changed over Ford Transit. He utilized pot magnets with inward string and purchased coordinating with eyelet bolts. An advantageous option are eyelet magnets which are accessible at our online shop. He sewed a wide crease onto the natively constructed shades so a strung bar could be pushed through. 

Mr S initially connected the magnets in the ideal spot prior to sliding the strung bar through the blind crease. Then, he passed the strung pole through the eyelets. To keep the window ornament poles from unexpectedly tumbling off while the camper van is moving, he connected hex nuts to the finishes. In the photos, you can see the end-product of this astute mounting answer for vehicle shades

For best Curtains in Portugal, click: Cortinas auto.

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