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Technical regulations for the safety of toys

The Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of toys” (TR CU 008/2011) streamlined the main characteristics of children’s toys from the point of view of safety for the life and health of children. These technical regulations establish requirements for the safety of toys, quality assurance schemes, labeling and packaging issues and many other issues.

The main conditions for the certification of toys, according to technical regulations, are stringent requirements for the hygienic safety of toys. These include: the intensity of the smell and taste of the toy, the sound level, toxicity, the level of the electromagnetic field intensity, microbiological factors, etc. Each batch of toys must undergo sanitary and hygienic control in independent accredited laboratories. If, at some stage of the check, the toy is found to be inconsistent with any of the standardized parameters, the product is recognized as non-compliant with the requirements of the technical regulation.

According to the aforementioned technical regulations for toys for children, a certificate of compliance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union is mandatory. Also, when certifying toys, the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union stipulates a number of rules for labeling. These rules are designed to convey to consumers information about the possible dangers associated with the operation of the product. For example, warning labeling of products not intended for children under the age of three is mandatory. Such toys may contain small components that can block the respiratory system of a small child.

The conditions that correspond to the safe use of toys are:

1. Environmentally friendly and safe workmanship material.
2. Strength. [Especially when you are making toys like
pikler triangles]
3. No sharp edges.
4. Lack of small parts (in toys for toddlers).
5. Lack of extraneous odors.

The material of manufacture must be environmentally friendly and not cause any intoxication hazards. For this, children’s toys must be accompanied by special passports, which provide data on the quality of the material.

The size of the toys matters too. For younger preschoolers, toys that the child cannot swallow are suitable. Labeling should provide information on age restrictions. Small details in toys are acceptable after three years.

Large plush toys are also not suitable for all ages. Soft-padded and foam-latex brushed toys for preschool children should only be used as teaching aids.

Toys should not be too heavy. Proportions must be maintained between the weight of toys and children. A heavy toy can cause injury, and sometimes the baby simply cannot lift it. The weight of a toy or part of a game (except for large-sized and mechanized ones) should not exceed 100 g for children under 3 years old, 400 g – for children under 7 years old, 800 g – for children 7-10 years old. The mass of toys of the “rattle” type should be no more than 100 g. The design of the toys should meet safety requirements, exclude injuries.

It is not recommended to use musical toys such as whistles and whistles, as they can easily become carriers of infection.

The most common division of toys according to the principle of game purpose: plot-shaped, didactic, technical, sports, theatrical, musical, construction and fun toys.

Toys should not have a negative effect on the health, emotional state of the child, provoke the child to aggressive actions, cause him to manifest cruelty towards the characters of the game.

When purchasing toys, administration and educators should pay attention to the age for which this toy is intended. The toy or game should be chosen according to the age and development of the child, as well as taking into account his individual inclinations.

Toy certification and labeling rules

The marking shall be easily verifiable, legible, legible, inspectable and identifiable and reliable. The labeling must contain the following information:

– the name of the toys,
– the name of the country where the toy was made,
– the name and location of the manufacturer (manufacturer’s authorized person), importer, information to contact them,
– the manufacturer’s trademark (if any),
– the minimum age of the child for whom the toy is intended, or a pictogram indicating the age of the child,
– the main structural material (for children under 3 years old),
– how to care for the toy (if necessary),
– the date of manufacture (month, year),
– the service life or shelf life (if established),
– storage conditions (if necessary).

Depending on the type of toy, the marking should contain: rules for operating the toy, methods of hygienic processing, safety measures when handling the toy, warning notices, assembly instructions, completeness (for sets)

The label should contain warning information that indicates special precautions for use.

Marking and technical documentation must be complete with a toy and carried out in Russian and in the state (s) language (s) of the state – a member of the Customs Union in the presence of relevant requirements in the legislation (s) of the state (s) – member (s) of the Customs Union (TS).

Toys that meet the safety requirements of TR CU and have passed the confirmation of conformity in the form of a certificate of the Customs Union, in accordance with Art. 6 TR CU, must be marked with a single mark of product circulation on the market of the Member States of the Customs Union. Marking takes place before the release of toys for free circulation on the market.

A single sign of product circulation on the market of the Member States of the Customs Union is applied to the toy itself and (or) the packaging of the toy (individual, group, transport) and (or) label, medallion, label (including sewn-in), leaflets, as well as is given in the operating documents attached to it.

A single mark indicates that the products have passed all the established procedures for assessing (confirming) compliance and meets all the requirements that apply to these products of the Customs Union TR.

Confirmation of the conformity of toys is carried out in the form of mandatory certification.

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