I took my first Fencing Classes in London this past weekend. Now it had been a really basic class and it had been tons of fun. What did I expect in participating in the fencing class? I expected a lot of fencing! you recognize the things you see on Robin Hood, Zorro, or Three Musketeers. LOL! I actually did. I expected to possess a sword in my hand just about from the minute we started the category. Sadly, that wasn’t to be.
You see our instructor spent an honest amount of your time we had for this beginner fencing class giving us some history of the fencing (she was a Russian World Champion and she or he came from an extended line of World Champions), the various sorts of swords used, and why. Not very exciting for a fencing class and in hindsight there was value in hearing it before we began. Finally, we need to hold plastic swords and start to find out the fundamentals. the way to hold the sword, the way to move forward and backward, the way to attack, and the way we score.
Was it as exciting as watching Catherine Zeta-Jones in Zorro? No, almost though! What was surprising was how challenging it had been once we began to do the fencing for points. We had short matches of three points for a winner and at the top of the twenty minutes; I could tell I had done a replacement sport. it had been tiring, very hot, and yet exciting to understand I had accomplished this new activity so quickly. I actually won my 2 rounds of fencing! That was the fun part. There was also the training that comes with new activity also.
The biggest thing I learned in my Fencing Lessons London is how important it’s to possess fun and play! it had been great to be ready to try fencing because it had been on my “try new things” list, get points, and tease how clumsy I used to be because it had been a replacement activity. it had been fantastic to stretch the training muscle. I even have played sports my entire life yet this class, was a totally new experience. That in itself was fun.
When was the last time you probably did something new and celebrated at it even as I celebrated at fencing class? it might be great to listen to your experiences of getting fun/playing at something new within the comments area.