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The difference between webmail and Email

There are probably very few who do not know what e-mail is. We use it all the time, either at work or in private. However, do you know what the difference between webmail and email is? An e-mail program are the ones you find as mobile apps or as your own desktop programs on your PC. Webmail, on the other hand, are the ones we have access to through the browser. We see that webmail is becoming more and more popular. Much of the reason for this is that it is so easily accessible. All you need is a web browser.

What is email?

Before the birth of the Internet, letter mail was our written means of communication. Everything that could not be taken by telephone had to be sent in writing to the postman, if you did not have a fax. This took from one to several days, depending on how far the letter was to travel. At the time, we did not know of any other way to do this, but today we see that the traditional record is ineffective. Especially if the communication is to go back and forth several times.

Then came the 90’s and the internet in earnest, and this also revolutionized written communication. Email quickly became very popular, as did text messaging and instant messaging services such as America Online and Yahoo Messenger.

Most people use Microsoft Office’s own Microsoft Outlook as their e-mail server. As a good number two comes Apple Mail. Apple Mail comes with free when you buy a Mac or iPhone. Outlook, on the other hand, costs money and comes with Microsoft’s Office packages.

Webmail, on the other hand, is free, and all that is required is that you have access to a web browser and that you are online.

Webmail – what is it?

The very first online e-mail client saw the light of day in 1994, and it was a researcher at CERN who developed it. You may have a Hotmail account, like most others. But did you know that Hotmail has been around since 1996? Did you also know that the Hotmail name originates in HTML. Simply to celebrate that it was on the internet. However, it would take another eight years before we could enjoy Gmail. On the other hand, today it is by far the most popular, online e-mail client.

We do not want to exaggerate when we say that what people appreciate most about webmail is that it is free. Did you also know that you do not have to spend money on having Microsoft Outlook on your PC or phone? You can namely log in to your Outlook account online, by going to You get access to everything you need for electronic communication & online Marketing. You can organize your days with the calendar and you have access to your address book.

Comparison of e-mail and webmail

Why is it then still someone who bothers to pay for an email client? Is there any reason to pay money for something you can get for free? Webmail is just as accessible, if not more accessible, since you do not need access to either your own phone or PC to log in. All you need is any other device with internet access, and not only that – webmail providers like to have an app you can download.

The truth is that there are some benefits to an email client.


Especially for small business & companies, this is very important. The email client can be integrated with the software used by the company. In a company, you often have a more advanced calendar function or other functions that do not go together with webmail. We still see that webmail is slowly but surely coming after.


Webmail is free to use, but developers do not work for free. They must also have food on the table. Therefore, a good deal of advertising is often included as part of the total package. If you do not want advertising, you must resort to a payment solution.


We take this point in doubt. Today, there are good opportunities to receive notifications also with webmail. Gmail, for example, offers desktop notifications. In addition, you will receive notifications if you use the apps that come with webmail.

    Personal preferences: 

This is really one of the main points. For some, they simply prefer a payment solution. Maybe simply because of the look, which for example gets cleaner without advertising.


You can install an antispam module from Bitdefender, AVG or Avast.

Email on mobile

In recent years, we have seen a marked increase in the use of e-mail on mobile phones. We carry our mobile phones everywhere. Therefore, it is very easy to just bring it up when we are going to check our email. Whether it is on an app or we log in to the browser. Society demands that We become more and more accessible, and then it’s good to be able to be without dragging on the laptop wherever we go.

It is not only at work that we use e-mail. It is also of great importance at the private level. We send emails to friends and family. If we live some distance from our loved ones, it is an excellent way to share photos and updates. We can create our own groups to which we send electronic joint mail.

Watch out for various threats

No matter what type of email client you use, you are exposed to various threats. It is therefore important to be critical of emails from unknown senders. There are many who believe that a payment solution is safer than a free webmail client. This, however, is far from the truth. Phishing records can appear no matter which client you use. People will try to trick you for money.More read about change subject line in Gmail

Therefore, always be careful about what you do with the email you receive. For example, your bank will never send you an email asking you to provide your credit card number. The post office will never send you an e-mail asking you to pay for missing postage so that you can receive your package.

If you are careful, then e-mail is a fantastic tool – although it is still nice to both send and receive proper letters and postcards. In any case, we must admit that things go much more efficiently when we can communicate electronically with an e-mail.

Finally, we can conclude that a webmail client is as good as an email client. It’s just about one’s own preferences and needs. Check the more interesting blogs that help you to gain technology knowledge at Techidology.

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