The human body is a creation of many wonders. Even after centuries of research, humans are still making progress in understanding and treating its complexities. As an intelligent species, we have yet to be familiar with ourselves. But that doesn’t mean that the research and discoveries that happened till now aren’t valuable. We have been preventing innumerable deaths thanks to science. Heart diseases, for example, have found better treatments to grant people healthier and happier hearts.
Cardiology has grown with innovative ideas and highly trained experts such as Dr Ajita Kanthan to help those suffering from heart diseases. Furthermore, these innovations are present in clinics, too as the doctors provide a more interactive experience than before. This article aims to provide knowledge on the basic subjects that one can ask the doctor if they have a doubt. It isn’t providing a medical health guide but rather what can be learned from doctors while treating one’s heart. Knowing is reassuring for many patients, so let’s start!
What To As A Cardiologist For The First Time.
- Symptoms For Heart Diseases
People are made aware of the common symptoms of heart diseases such as chest pain or pressure points. But still, many are unaware of the information that goes beyond this. The other symptoms are atypical symptoms, as they aren’t considered as such by the general population. They include problems such as shortness of breath, dizziness, daily fatigue, or leg swelling.
These symptoms can also vary by sex as men and women report different experiences. One of the prime differences is that the chest pain in men can easily spread towards and on the arm, while women report that they feel like their heart skipped heartbeats.
- Tests Ordered
One of the things that can cause the patients to panic is when the doctor orders a test without informing the patient. The patient has to hold anxiety as the doctors proceed with their work. However, this is not the ideal way to deal with tests and patients. For better experiences, the patient rightfully deserves to know the tests that are ordered by the doctor. Unless some special requirements, the patients can benefit from this information as it is calming to know the process. Furthermore, it is easier for a doctor to explain his approach to the symptoms rather than dealing with an anxious patient.
- Ideal Blood Pressure
As blood pressure is entirely dependent on one’s heart’s performance, the doctor can check the heart’s condition by checking the blood pressure. Frequent increases in blood pressure can often lead to heart attacks and many other health hazards such as strokes and aneurysms. Though a defining factor, they are not as difficult to control as other factors. Small lifestyle changes can help significantly in the control of blood pressure. The addition of things like a daily workout, a healthy diet, and reduction of alcohol in one’s life can reduce blood pressure with ease. The recommended blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg, but one’s medical history and the type of treatment going on give the doctors a better understanding of what is the ideal blood pressure for a patient.
- Stressful Situations To Avoid
While it does sound unpleasant to the ears, avoiding stressful situations to take care of one’s heart is a necessary step for all heart patients. The heart under stress can easily spike up the blood pressure and other anxieties for the patients. Emotional and psychological stress is sometimes considered more dangerous, but doctors like Dr Ajita Kanthan recommend keeping away from tough physical activities like running. Due to the consequences such as breath shortness, dizziness, and fatigue, many prefer mild exercising or even recommend plain walking instead of working out.